Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog got erased, and I had to rewrite...

One of my questions from my Writing Territories was "When death is inevitable, why do we spend so much time doing things that we don't want to do?" I don't understand why humans believe that just because we have a more developed brain and an extremely large capacity for knowledge that we have to learn, that we have to do everything the right way. It couldn't have always been this way. We didn't always have a democratic government and a competitive carreer track.

What is the purpose of learning? I realize that a simple answer to that would be "learning," but why? I admit that there are things that I find extremely intruiging, and that I love learning about. But there are other things, history for example, that I just don't care about whatsoever. Society cannot force education on individuals if they refuse to learn, and it cannot make people care about things that they don't. Why do schools require students to take classes they don't want to take? They should instead take the time to teach them about things they are interested in, and want to learn about. I would rather have one amazing talent than a bunch of mediocre ones.

I realize now that this most likely doesn't make sense to anyone but me, and I'm not sure if this is even what I am supposed to be writing about. It was just one of my Writing Territories. So...yepp.

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